Full Stack Developer specialized in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript. Recently graduated from the Coding Dojo located in Washington D.C., an immersive 14-week coding program that focuses on Full Stack Development. The course teaches coders to be self-reliant in regards to solving programming challenges. Earned an MFA in Graphic Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design. The combination of my experience in design and my knowledge of full stack development, provides me with a well rounded skillset that enables me to be a positive addition to the web application industry.
HTML 5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, Materialize
Ruby, Rails, Django, ExpressJS, Node.js, Flask, Socket,IO
MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Active Record
Events is a web application that allows the user to view events in their state. The user can also join existing events made by other users. When a user joins and event by clicking on the "Join" link, a "Cancel" link will appear if the user decides to not join the event. Deletion of an event can only be completed by the user that created the event.
The application was built with Ruby and Rails with a SQLite database. Bootstrap, Google Fonts and custom CSS were used for the front-end.
A web application that allows users to add new songs to a pool of songs. Users can add songs to their playlist by clicking an "Add" button. All the users that have added a song can be viewed by clicking on the song title. An entire user's playlist can be viewed by clicking on the users name.
This site was built with Ruby and Rails with a SQLite database. Bootstrap, Google Fonts and custom CSS were used for the front-end.
If you ever wanted to post a secret annonymously, Secrets would be a great web application for that. Users can login and see the secrets that they have posted as well as posting new secrets. All the posted secrets are available and users can "Like" secrets and "Unlike" and secret they have previously liked. The database maintains a count of a secret's "Likes". Users can only delete their own secrets.
This site was built with Rails with a SQLite database. Custom CSS and Google Fonts were used for the front-end.
When you are planning a trip, why not see where other people are going. Better than that, you can join that trip as well. Users can see all the planned trips and have the option to join any trip. Destination details are available by clicking on the name of the destination. Users can also plan their own travel plan that others can join.
This site was built with Python and Django and uses a MySQL database. Custom CSS and Google Fonts were used for the front-end.